Hopefully, by now you have heard how important sunscreen is for the overall health and appearance of your skin. Wearing sunscreen every day is a crucial part of your skincare routine, and without it, you are exposing the sensitive skin on your face to unnecessary damage from sun exposure . We checked in with our very own Michelle Freese who has been with Kate Somerville Skin Experts for 8 years as an esthetician inside our Melrose Place Clinic to get her undertake the top five benefits associated with sunscreen use:
Keeps Complexion Even
Using sunscreen on your face helps to keep your complexion even. Sun damage is probably the many causes of uneven skin tones and daily sun cream really helps to prevent those effects.
Sun Protection
One of the most evident and notable benefits associated with sunscreen is that it protects your skin against the sun's broad spectrum of harmful UV rays. Sunscreen actually minimizes the penetration of Ultra violet rays into the skin and the triggering of a number of skin disorders. Even the mildest of sunburns can have damaging effects so that it is important to protect your skin layer.
Helps Protect Against The Visible Signs of Premature Aging
We all want youthful, radiant, and healthy looking skin. But overexposure to sunlight can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles [3]. In other words, using sunscreen can help protect against the harmful effects of premature aging or skin aging
Reduces Risk of Cancer
Fortunately, sunscreen is quite effective in reducing the threat of developing a variety of skin cancers, especially melanoma . This sort of skin cancer may be extremely aggressive and can be life-threatening for many women, particularly those in their 20s. However, you must apply sunscreen daily to start to see the cumulative protection over the times and months.
Healthy Skin Overall
Michelle stresses to her clients that "skin is healthier overall when you use sunscreen." Essential proteins in your skin like keratin are protected when sunscreen is applied. These proteins are generally responsible for keeping your skin smooth and healthy both to look at and function.
Choosing a Product
Most clients dread the thoughts of wearing sunscreen every day. Many worry that the sunscreen lotions will cause them to break out, make their skin appear oily, and worst of all they will smell like sunscreen all day! Thankfully, skin care products have come a long way and you won't need to apply old-school slimy sunscreen each day in order to achieve the great benefits of daily sunscreen use. The sort of product you use will depend on the length of time you plan to spend out in sunlight and the activities you'll be doing, but for our purposes, we will concentrate on sunscreen products that are best for daily use, not really a day at the beach.
Unfortunately for most, a standard day does not include extended periods of time out in the sun. That means your daily sun exposure protection probably doesn't have to be over 35 to 50 SPF, if you will want to find a cream that has broad-spectrum protection to ensure you are protected from all the sun's harmful rays - we won't enter the details, but there are several different types. In addition, you will also want to consider your type of skin when selecting a product. Allergy or acne-prone skin will reap the benefits of fragrance- and preservative-free products, while those with dry skin will want to seek out daily moisturizers with sunscreen added.
It is all about finding the right sunscreen products for you, your skin, and your routine. At Kate Somerville, we take sun protection seriously. That's why we have developed Uncomplicated SPF, a fine mist SPF 50 broad spectrum face sunscreen that doubles as a makeup setting spray which reduces shine and provides a matte finish for your face. A light diffusing silicone powder softens the looks of lines and wrinkles while the SPF works to defend against the sun's harmful ramifications of UV rays. If your skin is specially sensitive, we’ve also developed a mineral face sunscreen that can simply be applied underneath makeup. This formula not merely protects against UVA and UVB rays, but also against blue light.
Applying sunscreen daily may seem like an unnecessary step to add to your skincare regimen, particularly if you are simply going from the car to your office and back again, but it is crucial to maintaining the health of your skin layer.