Sunscreen is one of the main tools in the prevention of skin cancer. Find out more about how to choose and appropriately use an excellent sunscreen for you and your family. With the arrival of warm summer weather, states have started to relax their COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Excited to spend time with family and friends, persons are now planning vacations, with one destination remaining a popular choice for most: the beach. However, extra time spent bathing in the sun increases our exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation and raises our risk for developing skin cancer. July is UV Safety Month. We know that among the finest ways to practice UV safety is to wear sunscreen every day. That will help you choose and correctly utilize the best product for your needs, review the nine facts about sunscreen listed below. Fact #1: Broad Spectrum Sunscreens are Best UV radiation from the sun includes two types of harmful rays: Ultraviolet A (UVA) Rays: Most common; cause ...
Hopefully, by now you have heard how important sunscreen is for the overall health and appearance of your skin. Wearing sunscreen every day is a crucial part of your skincare routine, and without it, you are exposing the sensitive skin on your face to unnecessary damage from sun exposure . We checked in with our very own Michelle Freese who has been with Kate Somerville Skin Experts for 8 years as an esthetician inside our Melrose Place Clinic to get her undertake the top five benefits associated with sunscreen use: Keeps Complexion Even Using sunscreen on your face helps to keep your complexion even. Sun damage is probably the many causes of uneven skin tones and daily sun cream really helps to prevent those effects. Sun Protection One of the most evident and notable benefits associated with sunscreen is that it protects your skin against the sun's broad spectrum of harmful UV rays. Sunscreen actually minimizes the penetration of Ultra violet rays into the skin and the triggering...